Prompt 1 - Truth Will Set You Free

Truth is a funny thing isn't it?  Many fan works focus on revealing the 'truth' of a character, relationship, or situation to the world; but really all of our 'truths' are subjective and perhaps reveal more about ourselves than the events we are writing about.

Everyday we tell little lies in order to co-exist with people around us, if we didn't tell these little lies we could hurt ourselves and others... if we couldn't tell lies or perhaps a better term is hide the truth what chaos would ensue?  What if you couldn't hide your feelings for your first officer?  What of diplomacy with a new alien race? What if you had no choice but to bare your soul to the one you loved only to have him or her seem unaffected in response?

We all know Spock (and all Vulcans) lie, despite the belief that they are unable to.  I think it's interesting to have Spock the only one able to lie, especially if this is not known to anyone else.

These were the kind of things I was thinking of for this prompt, but there are so many different interpretations!  More light hearted situations could be concocted, there could be a lot of humour in this prompt.

Anyway, enough from me!  Enjoy!  I look forward to seeing everyone's submissions!
