Poetry Prompt 3 - Saucy Limericks!

Poetry Prompt 3 was a challenge to write saucy limericks (and a request from Dahliaxat)!

I think we can all identify the dirtiest, most unabashed mind here!

As before, this is not a definitive submission list and will be updated as more are submitted :)


Limerick 1

There once was a doctor who's temper would flare.

As he often caught his friends, naked, yes bare.

They were at it, night, noon, and day.

Taking chances in the C.M.O.'s sickbay.

But stopped cold, with a scream and a shout, 'you wouldn't dare.'

Limerick 2

There once was a man with a full blown erection.

Who demanded his boyfriend's undying attention.

His lover, gave in to his plea.

And pumped him with glee.

As he shot his cum in every direction.

Limerick 3

There once was a green shaded cock.

Which belonged to a man named Spock.

He got sucked by his mate.

And was never ever late.

And that is definitely no crock.


Limerick 1

There once was a starship captain,

Who once tried to nobly abstain.

But one look at Spock,

He was hard as a rock,

What followed he couldn't contain!


Limerick 1

There once was a Captain named Kirk,

Who had quite the problem at work,

His first officer was so cute,

That he could render him mute,

With the slightest kitten-like head quirk!

Limerick 2

The great Vulcan poets of old,

Raised eyebrows with a statement quite bold:

The burning passions of Pon Farr,

Versus the love of t'hy'la,

In comparison are positively cold!

Limerick 3

When his new Captain smiled at him,

Spock soon faced great conflict within.

His mind kept on reeling

At this one simple feeling,

As he realized he was in love with Jim!
